We already have some huge discussions about android in our previous articles, so there is nothing i should explain about Android in this Post. The Flash Player is important for any Device, since it will displays the Videos and Flashy Content Smoothly.
The Android Supports Flash player , but in the recent update of their Operating System they decided to Quit the Support of Flash to their Devices. It will be Frustrating for People who Bought new Android Device with the New Operating System 4.4 Kitkat, even worse for People who Upgraded to this Operating System.
I consulted some Developers from xda and found the Solution. Please follow my detailed tutorial about how to install flash player on Android 4.4 Kitkat Smartphones
1) First Download the Dolphin Browser from Playstore , if you have previously installed this browser, Please Uninstall and Download it again
2) Run the Browser, Tap the Transparent icon on the Browser which is at bottom left of the screen, and choose the first icon at the Right
3) Pop up Window will be Displayed, Choose the " Settings " and navigate to the Web Content and Go to Flash Player and Turn it to " Always On "
4) Now Download the Flash Player ( hacked versions ) and install on your Device and make it Run.
Now we can Surf the Browser with Full flash Support and watch our favorite programs